Blood Donors Club

Blood is the most precious thing in this world a human being have. Blood Donation is service to Humankind, By Donating Blood we help a needy and save a precious life.There’s no substitute for blood donation and giving blood regularly saves lives. One single donation can be split into three separate parts, helping, saving or improvising the lives of patients. Just three teaspoons of blood can save the life of a premature baby.WHO is trying to make available adequate blood to the needy patients all over the world in order of this World Blood Donors Day is celebrated on 14th June every year to promote Blood Donation all over the world. The Blood donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science is functioning  actively to save human life .

2022 - 2023

Blood Donors Club of  Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode, Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode and Blood Bank, Govt. Head Quarters Hospital, Erode, jointly organized “Blood Donation Camp on 29th August,2023  at Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Elliepsettai, Erode. 65 Students volunteers and staff members donated blood.



2020 - 2021

Blood Donors Club and PG and Research Department of Biochemistry organized Blood Donation Awareness Quiz from 31st May to 1st June. 700 students and staff members from various institutions were actively participated and got awareness about Blood Donation.


Blood Donors Club of  Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode, Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode and Blood Bank, Govt. Head Quarters Hospital, Erode, Government Blood Bank, Erode jointly organized “Blood Donation Camp – January 2020” on 3rd January 2020 at Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Elliepsettai, Erode. 170 Students volunteers and staff members donated blood. 

Blood Donors Club of  Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode jointly organized “Awareness on Blood Donation” on 2nd January 2020. Dr.R.Shunmughan, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science inaugurated the Programme, Dr.S.Selvi, Cooridnator, Blood Donors Club welcone the Chief Guest and Mr.K.R.Venkatachalam, Director, Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode gave awarenss and importance on Blood doantion. Nearly 1320  Students   actively participated and motivated the students to donate blood. Generated the students to aware on regular blood donation in associated with a lower risk of various diseases and health issues.   

Blood Donars Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode and Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre organized “Blood Grouping Camp - 2019” for the students on 27th June 2019. 50 Students participated and checked their Blood group. Program was inaugurated my Mr.V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions and Dr.R.Shunmughan, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode and the Camp was organized and arranged by Dr.S.Selvi, Blood Donors Club Coordinator and Mr.K.R.Venkatachalam, Director, Tamilnadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode.

 PG and Research Department of Biochemistry Blood Donors Club and Tamilnadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode Jointly organized “BLOOD GROUPING CAMP - 2019” on 27.06.2019.Programme was inaugurated by Mr.V.R.Murugan ,Treasurer Bharathidasan institutions and Dr.R.Shummughan, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science. Camp was organised and arranged by Dr.S.Selvi Blood donors club coordinator, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Mr.K.R.Venkatachalam., M.Phil, Director, Tamilnadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre,Erode. Blood groupig was done for 50 Students.


2018 - 2019

Blood Donors Club of  Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Rotary Club of Erode Central and Sri Saanthi Blood Bank, Erode jointly organizing a Blood Donation Camp on 23rd January 2019. Thiru V.R. Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions and Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Inaugurated the Programme. 123  Students   actively Donated the Blood.     

2017 - 2018

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science, Erode, Rotary Club of Erode central, Erode and Sri Saanthi Blood Bank, jointly organized a “Blood Donation Camp” on 29th June 2017 (Thursday) at the college premises. Thiru N.K.K. Periasamy, Secretary & Correspondent, Bharathidasan Intitutions, Dr.K.Punniakrishnan, Vice Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science felicitated the programme. Thiru. V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Intitutions inaugurated the programme. 87 Students volunteers actively donated their blood. The Blood donation camp was organized and co-ordinate by K.Ramalingam President, Erode Central Rotary Club, Mr.K.R.Venkatachalam, Rotract Chairman,Erode Central Rotary Club and Dr.S.Selvi, co-ordinator, Blood Donors Club, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science.

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Shri Saanthi Blood Bank Erode jointly organised a Blood Grouping Camp for I UG Students on 19th June 2017 in the PG Biochemistry Laboratory . Blood Group was identified for 120 I year UG students.

2016 - 2017 
The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Lions Club of Erode Supreme Charitable Trust Blood Bank, Erode, Organised a “Blood Donation Camp” on 31st ,January, 2017 . ThiruV.R.Murugan Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions, Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal and Dr.K.Punniakrishnan, Dean of Science, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode, Inaugurated the programme. A total of 114 students and staff members actively donated their blood.

TheBlood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science along with Erode Central Rotary Club, Erode along with Shri Saanthi Blood Bank, Erode, organized a “Blood Donation Camp” on 18th August 2016, at our Campus.The Blood Donation Camp programme was inaugurated by Thiru.V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Educational Institutions and Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Mr.K.Vijayan, President, Erode Central Rotary Club, Erode. A total of 121 student volunteers actively donated their blood.

The PG and Research Department of  Biochemistry, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science   along with Erode Central Rotary Club, Erode, organized a Programme on “ Awareness on Cleanliness  ” on 18th August 2016, at our Campus. The programme was inaugurated by Thiru.V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Educational Institutions and  Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science.   Rtn. P.G. Saravanan , District Rotary Assistant Governor,  Erode Central Rotary  Club,  emphasized on the cleanliness in toilets, and its necessity  to our students.

2015 - 2016
The Blood Donors club of Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science and Erode supreme lions blood bank jointly organized a “Blood Donation Camp” on February 26, 2016.Thiru V.R.Murugan Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions and Dr.M.Ramamoorthy Principal Inaugurated the Programme and felicitated the function. A total of 104 volunteers (101 students and 3 faculty members)actively donated their blood.

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Lions Club of Erode Kurinchi, Jointly organized a “Blood Donation Camp” on September 12, 2015. Thiru.N.K.K.Periasamy, Secretary, Bharathidasan Institutions, ThiruV.R.Murugan Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions and Dr.N.Kandasamy Principal Inaugurated the programme and Felicitated the Function. A total of 121volunteers (116 students and 5 Faculty members) actively donated their blood.

Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan Collge of Arts and Science organised a Blood Grouping Camp on 26th June 2015. The Camp was inaugurated and felicitated by Dr.N. Kandasamy, Principal, Bharathidasan Collge of Arts and Science. In the Blood Grouping camp the blood group was identified for 117 First year students of our college.

2014 - 2015

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science and Lions Club of Erode Midtown, Jointly organized a “Blood Donation Camp” on 30th December 2014, at Bharathidasan College Campus. Dr.N.Kandasamy Principal Inaugurated the programme and ThiruV.R.Murugan Treasurer Felicitated the Function. A total of 116 volunteers (110 students and 6 Faculty members) actively donated their blood.

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Share a Little Care a Little –Donate Blood” on 12th September 2014. Dr.N.Kandasamy Principal Inaugurated the programme and ThiruV.R.Murugan Treasurer Felicitated the Function. Dr. R.Venkatraman,(Rtd. Civil Surgeon, TamilNadu Medical Services), addressed the gathering and emphasized the importance of Blood donation.

2013 - 2014

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode and Lions Club of Erode Midtown jointly organized a “Blood Donation Camp” on 14th March 2014. 110 Students Volunteers and 3 Faculty members (a total of 113 members) actively donated the Blood.

The Blood Donors Club of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science organized a Guest Lecture entitled “Importance of Blood Donation” on 12 March 2014. Dr.N.Kandasamy Principal Inaugurated the programme Mr.Blood DhanavelMurugan , Secretary Vivekanandha Blood Donors Club addressed the gathering and insisted the importance of Blood donation.


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