The Department was started in the year 1995 with under graduate course to provide quality and value based education by motivating the practical skills of the students. The Department keeps in mind the provision of skill based education to the students. The faculty in the Department are totally committed to provide high quality education.
Students and faculty members of Microbiology Department visited Vagamon & Cochin on 14.02.2025 & 15.02.2025.Students were visited Tea factory, Hill palace museum, pine forest and Marine drive. It is filled with joy and fun.
The Majestic Microbiome Association of Microbiology Department of Bharathidasan college of Arts and Science, Erode, organized a Talent Hunt-2025 programme on 29.01.2025 and 30.01.2025 at Bharathiyar Arangam.As a part of co-curricular activities various competition have conducted to discover their untapped skills.
Students and faculty members Microbiology Department of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode Visited to Tamilnadu government Bio fertilizer unit Avinashi on 12.12.2024.
Department of Microbiology and Entrepreneurial Development Cell jointly organized Entrepreneurial Enrichment Programme on 10.12.2024 in Bharathiar Arangam. The resource person S.Sathyanarayanan coordinator self reliant Bharath vision and Dr.Aravind selvaraj Founder and Director of ELIES BIOTECH, Erode.
Department of Microbiology students and faculty members commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024 with the blind & differently abled rehabilitation future development charitable trust & training centre, Puliyampatti ,Bhavani by sharing the lunch on 04.12.2024.
The Department of Microbiology had organized a certificate course on “Micro and Macro Algae Cultivation and E-Commerce”. The trainer, Mr. V. Jothiprasath, M.Sc., PGDCA., Founder and Head, “Futuristic Bioscience and E-Commerce Training Center," Gobi, had successfully initiated the training for the students.
The Department of Microbiology had celebrated both Science day and Association valediction on 28th of February 2024. On account of science day, various competitions were conducted for the students. The Chief guest Dr N.Jayakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Bioinformatics, Bharathiar University Coimbatore gave the science day speech and Presented the prizes to the students.
Microbiology Department of Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode organized an Alumni interaction on “stress management guide” on 15.02.2024. Our Alumni student, Mr.K.S. Karthickraja, Reporter News Tamil, Chennai acted as a Resource person interacts with our students.
Students and faculty members Microbiology Department of Bharathidasan college of Arts and Science, Erode Organized a One day Industrial Visit to Futuristic Bioscience & E-Commerce Training center, Gobichettipalayam to learn about “Spirulina Cultivation” on 19.01.2024. 55 students accompanied with 4 faculty members were highly benefitted.
PG & Research Dept of Biochemistry & Department of Microbiology jointly organized two days “International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Life science Research” (ICIALR) from 9.10.2023 to 10.10.2023. More than 100 students, research scholars and facult from various colleges were participated along with us.
The Majestic Microbiome Association of Microbiology Department had organized a Talent Hunt-2023 programme at Microbiology Laboratory and on 08.09.2023. The Students participated in various events and exhibited their talents.
Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan college of Arts and Science had inaugurated the “MAJESTIC MICROBIOME ASSOCIATION” on 26.07.2023 at Bharathiar Arangam. Mr.M.Senthilraja Former Assistant manager, Blue Polymer, Thuduppathy, Perundhurai acted as resource person and he delivered a speech on quality assurance and the importance of industrial placements. The MoU was signed with Futuristic bioscience, Gobi.
Students of Microbiology and Costume design were attended and also participated in a quiz competition about Handlooms for students conducted by Handloom & Textile Department of Tamilnadu on account of handloom day on 24.07.2023 and our students won the prizes.
Our Department organised Two days Educational tour to Munnar, Athirappilly water falls Thrissur District in Kerala on 01.09.2022 to 02.10.2022. 67 students and 4 staff members enjoyed the tour.
Alumni of Microbiology Department (2013-2016) have sponsored the cannon printer worth Rs.15,000 to the department as a token of their love and affection on 16.09.2022.
Majestic Microbiome Association of Microbiology Department celebrated International Microorganisms Day on 16.09.2022 at the Bharathiar Arangam of BCAS campus. Mr.V.Jothiprasad. M.Sc., P.G.D.C.A. Futuristic Bioscience, Micro and Macro Algae training centre &Manufacturing unit, Gobi acted as a and delivered a speech on “Spirulina Production and E-Commerce”.
Majestic Microbiome Association of Microbiology department organized Teacher’s day on September 5, 2022 at the Bharathiar Arangam of BCAS campus. Students gifted greeting card to the staffs with their photos and quotes .The card was presented by Thiru.V.R.murugan, Treasurer of BCAS present the greeting card to all the faculty members.
Majestic Microbiome Association of Microbiology department organized Onam celebration on September 5,2022 at the Bharathiar Arangam of BCAS campus. . Students were celebrated onam by athapoo kolam and wearing traditional dresses.
Department of Microbiology inaugurate the Majestic Microbiome Association on 18.08.2022. Mrs.S.Manju, Head of the Microbiology department welcome the gathering. Dr.S.Kamesh, Principal of the BCAS deliver the inaugural address. The following Student office bearers of the association
1. S.V.Karunaivel III BSc Microbiology – Student Secretary
2. R. Keerthana II BSc Microbiology – Joint Secretary
3. R.Thiruselvan IBSc Microbiology – Student Member
Department of Microbiology organized Freshers celebration on August 18,2022 at the Bharathiar Arangam of BCAS campus. The Students of II & III B.Sc Microbiology arranged many entertaining events to the Freshers of our department with great joy.
2021 - 2022
Our Department organized farewell party “Not an end only a different beginning” on May 31,2022 in the Bharathiar Arangam of BCAS campus where the students of I & II Micro bid farewell to outgoing students of III micro with great joy and nostalgia.
Majestic microbiome association of microbiology department conduct science exhibition”Micro Science Expo” on 29.04.202 at Thiruvalluvar Arangam. Dr.S.Kamesh,Principal of BCAS inagurate the exhibition by lightening the kuthuvilakku.Mr.N.K.K.Naren Rajaa,CEO of BCAS, Mr.Arulkumaran, Administrative Officer of BCAS visited the exhibition and appreciate the students.
Majestic microbiome association of Microbiology department conduct Talent carnival on 26.04.2022 at our Department.The events like Art from waste, Fruit carving,Hair do, Mehanthi, Gelatin Art, Petri Art, Food identification, Bridal make over.Our department students were eagerly participated these events and showed their talents.Best performers were selected by various department faculties.
Majestic microbiome association of Microbiology department celebrated micro fest sports events on 22.04.2022 at our college playground. Our department students both boys and girls participated in various events and showed their talents. Our college physical director conducted all the events.
Microbiology department had Majestic microbiome association valedictory for the academic year 2021-2022 on 10.06.2022 in microbiology laboratory.Mrs.S.Manju,Head & Assistant professor, department of microbiology welcome the gathering .Dr.S.Kamesh,Principal of BCAS delivered the presidential address and present the certificates and prizes for participants and winners.
On eve of National Vaccination Day on 16.3.2022 Microbiology Department had organised a programme to create awareness about vaccines and vaccination through various events like drawing, poster presentation, powerpoint presentation , exhibition and debate. Students of microbiology department have actively participated in this programme.
Majestic Microbiome association of Microbiology Department celeberated National energy conservation day on 14.12.2021 to create awareness on non renewable energy sources and their efficient utilisation,care about their environment among the students.The awareness was created by various competitions such as speech,essay writing, photography, drawing and poster presentation sudents from various departments of our college had participated in the events .To make the programme more joyable connection game was also conducted on the theme of science.
Webinar on cell and gene therapy for treating the genetic and infectious disease.
Date & Time 17.09.2021 & 11 a.m
Title Webinar on cell and gene therapy for treating the genetic and infectious disease.
Resource person
Karthik V Karuppusamy,
Genome editing laboratory,
Centre for Stem Cell Research,
(Unit of Instem,Bengaluru)
Christian Medical College Campus
Beneficiaries Faculties ,and Students of Microbiology of Bcas
No. of Participants 75
2020 - 2021
National bilingual Awareness webinar on COVID-19
Date & Time 21.05.2021 & 11 a.m
Title National bilingual Awareness webinar on COVID-19
Convenor Dr.R.Shunmughan, Principal ,BCAS
Resource person
Dr. A. M. Deshmukh
Former professor & Head ,Dept of microbiology
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university,
President ,
Microbiologist society,
Naikwadi Nagar ,Osmanabad ,India.
Beneficiaries Faculties ,and Students of Microbiology of Bcas
No. of Participants 130
National webinar on“ covid-19 fact myth ”
Date & Time 23.04.2021 & 11.00 AM
Title National webinar on“ covid-19 fact myth ”
Resource person
Former professor & Head ,Dept of microbiology
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university,
President ,
Microbiologist society,
Naikwadi Nagar ,Osmanabad ,India.
Beneficiaries Faculties ,and Students of Microbiology of BCAS and public.
No. of Participants 150
Webinar on “ Research at undergraduate”
Date & Time 26.02.2021 & 11 a.m
Title Webinar on “ Research at undergraduate”
Resource person
Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology,
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science college,
Beneficiaries Faculties ,and Students of Microbiology of Bcas
No. of Participants 130
Department of Microbiology & RRC of our college jointly organised an International webinar on “COVID – 19 PURSUIT OF THE UNKNOWNS” on 26.06.2020.Dr. J.Harinarayanan, Staff Scientist of South Carolina, Department of Surgery [Surgical oncology],Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Acted as a resource person. Nearly 100 participants from Tamilnadu and other states had actively participated in the webinar.
Department of Microbiology organised an International webinar on “Translational Oncology” on 24.05.2020. Dr. Varoon Santhakumar, Molecular & Gene Therapy, Department of Translational Oncology, German Cancer Research center (DKFZ), Germany acted as a resource person.
2019 - 2020
On account of covid-19 pandemic, our department final year students voluntarily gave awareness about Covid-19 pandemic to all the students of our college. They went to each class with posters about emerging catastrophic effect of the novel corona virus. Students explained about infection, manifestation, symptoms, Mode of transmission and preventive measures of novel corona virus to alert them to follow the WHO and CDC guidelines.
Department of Microbiology in association with TamilNadu Science Forum organised a science rally for National Science Day on 27.02.2020 from Sakthi Higher Secondary School to Chithode. Dr. R. Shunmughan, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science was inaugurated the programme, we issued the face mask of Darwin and sir C.V Raman and their Life History book to nearly 150 studnets of Sakthi Higher Secondary School , Chithode.
Our department organised a programme “கத கேளு கத கேளு அறிவியல் கத கேளு” on behalf of science day celebration on 25.02.2020 and 26.02.2020 at Abdul Kalam Arangam. In this Programme our department students explained about the Origin of Life, How human Physiology Works telling the story to all other department students in our college.
Our department have started Mushroom Cultivation center on 23.01.2020 to develop the Entrepreneurship skill among the students.
Our department organised an industrial visit to Bannari Amman Sugars, Bio compost unit, Modhur on 04.01.2020 & 06.01.2020. 150 students and four faculties take part in the visit.
Our department has organised guest lecture programme on “CANCER BOOK- LAB- BEDSIDE”on 03.01.2020 at Abdul Kalam Arangam. Mr.Varoon Santhakumar, Research scholar, Molecular & Gene Therapy, Department of Translational Oncology, German Cancer Research center (DKFZ), Germany acted as a resource person.
Our department has organised guest lecture programme on “THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF PHYTOCHEMICALS”on 25.09.19 at Abdul Kalam Arangam. Dr.V.Vijaya Padma, Professor and Head,Department of Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Bharathiar University Coimbatore acted as a resource person.
Department organised an awareness rally programme on “Nature Conservation” on behalf of the world Nature conservation day at Gobichettipalayam in association with ICAR-KVK Myrada Gobi on 29.07.2019. Dr. R.Shunmughan, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science was inaugurated the programme, Administrative Officer Mr. R.Arulkumaran, faculties and students were actively Participated.
Class Topper Appreciation function was held on 23.07 2019. Principal give the memento to Topper of each class.
On behalf of the Nature club of our department Tree plantation was made in the College Campus on 19.07.2019.
Fresher’s day was celebrated on 19.07.2019 to welcome the new buds of our department.
Five of our department students went to Modakuruchi for tree plantation organised by Rotary Metro & Team Green on 14.07.2019.
130 students of our department and faculties visited ICAR-KVK MYRADA Gobichettipalayam on 11.07.2019.
The department of Microbiology has inaugurated the association “Majestic Microbiome” and Micro Genesis Club and also organised a Guest Lecture programme on “Entrepreneurial opportunities in Biosciences & Essentiality of Quality Assurance” on 26.06.19 Thiru V.R. Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions felicitated the programme.Dr. R.Shunmughan, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science delivered the inaugural address. Dr. S. Aravindh Selvaraj, Founder Director, ELIES Biotech, Food & Agricultural Biotechnology Products, Erode was the Chief Guest for the function.
2018 - 2019
P.Nallasamy, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology acted as a Resource person on Guest lecture Programme conducted by Department of Microbiology, Erode Arts and Science College, Autonomous, Erode on 15-02-2019.
Our department organised industrial visit to Vayanad Dairy Plant. Fifty students four staff members visited the industry on 26.01.2019.
Our department organised guest lecture programme on “Digital Transformation in Clinical Research” on jan 25th 2019 at Abdul Kalam Arangam. Ms.Nivethitha Mohandoss, Team Lead, ICON Clinical Research, Chennai acted as resource person. She enlighten the knowledge of the students about the clinical trials , software programm courses for clinical trials and artificial intelligence.
P.Nallasamy, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology acted as a Resource person on “PET ANIMALS’’ conducted by PG & Research Department of Biochemistry, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science, Erode on 11-12-2018 which was sponsored by DST-NIMAT.
S.Manju, Head & Assistant professor, Department of Microbiology had acted as judge for 46th Jawaharlal Nehru Science Exhibition-2018 held at Government Higher Secondary School, Erode on 15.10.2018.
P.Nallasamy, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology acted as Resource person on “ORGANIC FARMING’’ conducted by Department of Biochemistry, Vellallar College for Women, Erode on 25.08.2018.
Our Department students K.Tamilselvan and P.Gopal have secured Bharathiar University Second and Seventh rank respectively during 2017- 2018.
Our department have signed MOU with AWE CARE ANALYTICAL RESEARCH CENTRE,ERODE and certificate programme was conducted on MUSHROOM & SPIRULINA PRODUCTION AND ITS APPLICATION for the duration of three months.
Department of Microbiology and PG & Research Department of Biochemistry organised an International Conference on ”Frontiers in Ethnopharmocology and Globalization of Natural Medicine” in association with Primax foundation on Aug 6,2018 at Abdul Kalam Arangam.Dr.Sung Jin Kim, Professor and Chair, Department of Toxicology, School Of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea and Dr.O.S.Sethuraman, Associate Professor, Dept Of Zoology, Kandasamy Kandar College, Karur acted as resource person.
2017 - 2018
The Department of Microbiology has organized a blood grouping camp for three hundred and ten (310) students of Kullanaikanpalayam Govt.Hr.Sec.School on 15.11.2017, Coordinated by Mr.P.Nallasamy, Assistant Professor and Mr.R.Mahenthiran Assistant Professor of Microbiology.
The Department of Microbiology has organized an International Symposium On “Current Scenario in Life Sciences” on 14.09.2017 (Thursday)..The Presidential address was delivered by Thiru. N.K.K.Periasamy, Chairman and Correspondent, Bharathidasan Institutions. Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science inaugurated the programme. The Treasurer Thiru. V.R. Murugan, Joint Secretaries Mrs.Vasanthi Sathiyan and Mrs.Parimala Raaja felicitated the Symposium. Dr. C. Selvakkumar, Associate Professor of Microbiology / Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Misarata University, Libya and Dr.R.Parthiban, Associate Professor of Microbiology, Malabar Cancer Centre, Kerala, were the Resource Persons.Various events such as poster presentation, Bio-Quiz and Mime show have been conducted. Mrs.S.Manju, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department welcome the gathering and Mr.R.Mahenthiran, Assistant Professor delivered vote of thanks. In this conference 300 students and 6 professors in total 306 members from various colleges have actively participated and benefited.
The Department of Microbiology and Red Ribbon Club organized an awareness programme on "The Enemy" Dengue to the college students on 20.07.2017.Thiru V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions felicitated the programme. Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan college of Arts & Science delivered the inaugural address. Mr.P.Nallasamy,Asst Professor of microbiology and RRC co-ordinator address the gathering.
2016 - 2017
The Department of Microbiology has organised the Science day celebration “MICRO MASSIVE 17” on 28.02.2017. Thiru.V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions felicitated the programme. Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan college of Arts & Science delivered the inaugural address. Various events such as Bio-Quiz, Bio-Connection, paper presentation, poster presentation and Petri art have been conducted.
The Department of microbiology has organized a Guest Lecture programme on “Microbes for Sustainable Develpoment” on 05.10.16. Thiru V.R. Murugan, Treasurer, Bharathidasan Institutions felicitated the programme. Dr. M.Ramamoorthy, Principal, Bharathidasan College of Arts & Science delivered the Principal’s address. Chief Guest Dr.D.Geetha Ramani, Prof. of Microbiology & Co-Ordinator-Center for Research, Dr.N.G.P.Arts & Science College, Coimbatore acted as the Resource Person and discussed about the importance of microbes for the sustainable development of the environment.
The Department of Microbiology has organized a blood grouping camp for school students at Govt.Hr.Sec. school Periyapuliyur on 27.07.2016, cordinated by Mrs. S.Manju, Head &Assistant Professor and Mr.P.Nallasamy, Assistant Professor of Microbiology.
The Department of Microbiology has organized an exhibition “MICROBIAL EXHIBIT 2016” on 23.06.2016 & 24.06.2016. Around 400 school students visited the exhibition.
The department of microbiology protects the native and regional vegetable plants by cultivating and maintaining them in our college campus.
2015 - 2016
The Department of Microbiology has organized a State level Orientation Programme for Life science graduates – “BIOFEST 16” on 17th Feb 2016. College Treasurer Thiru.V.R.Murugan, Principal Dr.M.Ramamoorthy, Resource person Dr.S.Selvakumar, Head of the Department, Department of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Sri Ganesh College of Arts and Science, Salem addressed the gathering. Various events such as Bio-Quiz, Bio-Connection, Model presentation, Petriart, Crime scene investigation have been conducted.
The Department of Micrbiology organized a State level Symposium on “Microbial biofilms and their impact on health care industry and Career opportunities in Microbiology” on 29.07.2015. Dr.S.Murugan, Assistant professor, Department of Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences, Karunya University, Coimbatore acted as the Resource person.Thiru.N.K.K.Periyasamy, Secretary & Correspondent delivered the Presidential address. Thiru.V.R.Murugan, Treasurer, felicitated the function. Principal Dr.N.Kandasamy delivered the principal's address. In the afternoon session. Debate on the topic “Are the Microbes useful or harmful” was conducted and the Judge was Dr.A.M.Padmanaban, Head, PG & Research Department of Zoology, Sri Vasavi College, Erode. Students from various colleges participated in the programme.
2014 - 2015
The Department of Microbiology organized a guest lecture on “Entrepreneurship opportunities in life science” on 25.09.2014. Chief guest Dr.E.S.Karthy, Director, Awe care analytical and research laboratory, Erode addressed the gathering, College treasurer Thiru V.R.Murugan felicitated the function, Principal Dr.N.Kandasamy gave the principal address.
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